What Does a Mental Game Coach Do?

  • Adam’s Champion Mindset Coaching

Categories: Axiology Practitioner Competitive Sports Mental Assessment


When it comes to excelling in sports, physical training is not enough. The mental aspect of the game is equally important, if not more so. This is where a mental game coach comes in. As a Mental Game Coach at Adam's Champion Mindset Coaching, I am passionate about empowering athletes and teams to reach their full potential through sports mental performance coaching.

So, what does a mental game coach do? In simple terms, we help athletes and teams develop the mental skills necessary to perform at their best. These skills include focus, confidence, motivation, goal-setting, visualization, and stress management. Here's a closer look at what each of these skills entails:


1. Focus: Athletes need to be able to maintain their concentration on the task at hand, despite distractions. A mental game coach can teach them techniques to improve their focus and block out distractions.

2. Confidence: Confidence is crucial for athletes to perform at their best. A mental game coach can help athletes build and maintain their confidence, even in high-pressure situations.

3. Motivation: Athletes need to be motivated to put in the hard work required to excel. A mental game coach can help athletes find their motivation and stay committed to their goals.

4. Goal-setting: Setting specific, measurable goals is essential for athletes to track their progress and stay motivated. A mental game coach can help athletes set realistic goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

5. Visualization: Athletes can use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse their performance and prepare for competition. A mental game coach can teach athletes how to effectively use visualization techniques to improve their performance.

6. Stress management: Athletes face a lot of pressure to perform at their best. A mental game coach can help athletes manage their stress levels and stay focused on their goals.

At Adam's Champion Mindset Coaching, I work with athletes, teams, and corporations across Toronto, the GTA, and virtually across North America. My goal is to help individuals unlock their champion mindset and excel in their athletic pursuits. With over 30 years of experience in the sports industry, I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help athletes and teams reach their full potential.


A mental game coach plays a crucial role in helping athletes and teams develop the mental skills necessary to perform at their best. Whether you're an aspiring athlete or a seasoned pro, working with a mental game coach can help you take your performance to the next level. 

To learn more about what I offer, please click here. If you have questions, I'd be happy to hear from you. Please feel free to call me at (813) 580-3912 or send me an email at coach@adambennett.ca.

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